Services Offered
For information on how to name The ACE Fiduciary Group as trustee, executor, agent, or conservator, visit the Naming ACE page.
Private Trustee
A fiduciary as trustee is responsible for following the terms of the trust, as set forth in the trust document.
Typical duties of a Fiduciary/Trustee include:
Will also consider serving as a Trust Protector in situations which could use oversight and guidance of younger family member trustees or Special Needs Trusts.
Estate Conflicts
Occasionally a family will be in conflict over the terms of a trust, or the way a trust has been previously handled. When there is such conflict, it can be best for the estate to name a neutral, third party, professional trustee. We have handled this type of situation and will consider these types of appointments on a case by case basis. We can also offer estate, trust, or conservatorship audits. Some of our members have been called in as expert witnesses in probate trials.
A fiduciary as Conservator of the Estate is appointed by the court to make financial decisions for someone recommended by doctors and the court as lacking the mental capacity to do so for themselves. We can recommend a Conservator of the Person, if that is also required. A conservator must follow the orders of the court handling estate assets. A Conservator must follow the strict guidelines of the law in reporting to the court and all beneficiaries.

Trust & Estate Administration
Our team offers services to attorneys and trustees in such aspects of trust or estate administration as: preparing the trust accounting; monthly bookkeeping assistance; assisting a widowed spouse with organizing and managing financial records.

Financial Power of Attorney or Co-Trustee
While the duties and liability of handling a trust or estate as a Power of Attorney or Co-Trustee can be a barrier to taking on this type of work, in selected circumstances, we will consider such appointments.
Family Council Moderator
When the conversation becomes difficult, call in an experienced family council moderator. We only go through our own aging and death once. It can help to have an outside moderator assist in a family council meeting, much like a Board of Directors, to make crucial decisions about care and management as parents become more frail and need more help.

LegacyMapping TM
We all reach a point in life where we turn from our daily toils and review our life. We want to touch the future in a personal way. We wish to offer some tangible kindness to others and to be cared for in return, especially as we age.
Some of our team members are trained in our unique process of LegacyMapping TM. This is a combination of practical and creative coaching designed to start with your values. We'll help you begin to live your legacy while making concrete plans and positive goals for the next stage of your life.
Most importantly, this process can unlock a vision for future generations. It is a map into your heart and a method to encourage you to live your legacy today.
Our Fees
In keeping with the requirements of AB 1194, Business and Professions Code 6563, our trustee fees range from .50% to 1.50% annually depending upon the asset size and complexity. The hourly rates charged for Conservator of Estate and Person as well as extraordinary fees for handling cases with beneficiary conflict range from $60 per hour for Admin to $195 for Fiduciary Officers. These fall within the standards set by local courts for reasonable trustee, agent or Conservator compensation. Some of our services are a flat fee. We will provide a specific quote after meeting with you and reviewing the needs of the situation. Our fees are reasonable and customary for the skills, expertise, and value added by professional staff. See the benefits of working with us. If an individual professional fiduciary is named in a trust document, they may choose a different rate for their private practice. Please check with the individual for a detailed rate sheet.